
Explore Tailored Medical Microneedling

Discover the personalized approach of My Customized Microneedling and determine if it's the ideal solution for you.

Elevate Your Skin’s Potential Naturally

As a leading practitioner with 9 years of specialized microneedling experience, I bring a unique blend of expertise to the world of microneedling right here in Vancouver, BC.

Discover a distinctive approach to microneedling that goes beyond traditional treatments. With a focus on inner wellness and outer beauty, I craft personalized sessions that prioritize your overall well-being before we even begin.

Join me as we harness the power of stem cells, unlocking unparalleled rejuvenation potential for your skin. Experience deeper results, faster recovery, and a radiant glow that emanates from within.

We embark on a journey together, where customized microneedling transforms not just your skin, but your entire sense of self.


Experience transformative results with me. Before your microneedling session, I begin with a complimentary deep facial to clear congestion, ensuring an optimal canvas for treatment. This step allows me to fine-tune your treatment plan based on your skin’s current needs, maximizing results. Following the facial, I apply medical-grade numbing cream for your comfort. Once that is on we start the treatment!


Microneedling is a precise procedure involving the creation of micro-injuries using a medical device, which triggers the skin’s natural repair process, boosting collagen and elastin production for healthier, more youthful skin.

This technique effectively addresses fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, enlarged pores, and uneven skin texture.

What distinguishes my microneedling treatment is my dedication to customization and patient-centered care. Prior to each session, a comprehensive consultation ensures I understand your unique concerns, skin type, and goals. Based on this assessment, a personalized treatment plan is crafted to achieve optimal results.

Customizing the treatment to your specific needs enhances its effectiveness, whether you’re targeting fine lines, acne scars, or overall skin texture improvement.

I prioritize client safety through open communication and thorough explanation, ensuring you feel informed and comfortable throughout the process.

Experience the transformative benefits of customized microneedling at Offrgrid Skin.


Experience the difference

Bone Marrow Microneedling

Exosome Microneedling

medical Microneedling


Proper post-care is crucial after microneedling to maximize results. Avoid touching the treated area and use authorized products like Sheald or HA after the initial 12 hours. Consider adding bone marrow for extra nourishment and regeneration. Expect temporary redness and warmth for 24 to 48 hours, signaling the healing process. Personalized instructions will ensure tailored care for optimal healing and rejuvenation, including the potential benefits of bone marrow for enhanced results.

My Journey

I’ve always been the kind of woman who preferred a minimalist approach to beauty, shying away from makeup and excessive products in favor of natural health and beauty. However, a heartbreak plunged me into a struggle with severe and persistent acne—a tormenting experience that anyone who’s faced it can understand, marked by judgment, tears, and mental exhaustion. Despite having access to top dermatologists and trying numerous treatments, products, and resources, I found no lasting solution. Frustrated with short-term fixes and uninterested in options like accutane or expensive testing, I felt worn down by the cycle of disappointment.

Motivated by my own journey, I delved into nutrition to uncover the root of my body’s distress. After years of relentless pursuit, I finally pinpointed the source. Through a combination of understanding my body’s internal mechanisms and utilizing microneedling, I triumphed over my acne, achieving a remarkable transformation of my skin that addressed texture issues, deep scarring, and even fine lines.

My experiences have equipped me to support others grappling with acne, sparing them the time, money, and emotional toll I endured. Acne is a complex condition with deep-seated origins, and I’m here to navigate the journey with you, offering guidance on the right steps and treatments to restore confidence and deliver tangible results, all while empathizing with the pain it brings.

Medical Microneedling

Client Results & FAQ

Following microneedling treatment, it is common for patients to experience temporary redness and a sensation of heat in the treated area. Typically, the heat subsides within 1-2 hours, and the redness gradually diminishes over the course of 24-48 hours. To optimize the results and expedite the healing process, the treatment can be enhanced by incorporating the use of Bone Marrow or Exosomes. These additional components can further support the skin’s rejuvenation and recovery.

Results in microneedling can vary from person to person due to the natural healing process of the skin.

While individual experiences may differ, you can typically expect to see initial improvements within a few days to weeks following the treatment.

However, the best results are often observed around 3 to 6 months after the final session, as the skin continues to rejuvenate and regenerate.

Patience and consistent care are key to achieving optimal and long-lasting outcomes in microneedling

The number of microneedling treatments required will depend on several factors, including the specific skin concern being addressed and the treatment approach chosen, which may involve the use of bone marrow, exosomes, or none at all.

To achieve optimal results, I typically recommend 3 treatment sessions scheduled approximately 4 weeks apart.

Microneedling is a versatile treatment option that can be combined with other procedures intermittently, enhancing its effectiveness in addressing various skin concerns.

By consulting with me, I can assess your unique needs and provide personalized recommendations based on your skin condition and goals.

During our consultation, we will discuss the recommended treatment plan in detail, ensuring a thorough understanding of the process and expected outcomes. Together, we will create a customized approach to help you achieve your desired results and promote the health and rejuvenation of your skin.

With over seventeen years of experience as a Clinical Aesthetician specializing in non-surgical facial rejuvenation and an extensive background in microneedling, I bring a wealth of expertise to enhance your natural beauty. Client safety remains my top priority, and I strive to provide treatments that are both precise and effective.

I have undergone specialized training to master the use of the SkinPen Precision, a state-of-the-art device renowned for its ability to deliver accurate and controlled microneedling treatments.

Your safety and comfort are of utmost importance to me, which is why I exclusively use premium and FDA-approved products throughout the procedure.

What sets me apart is my comprehensive understanding of facial anatomy and my experience with various microneedling techniques. This allows me to tailor the treatment to your specific needs, ensuring optimal results. Whether it’s addressing fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks or skin texture, I possess the knowledge and skill to create a customized treatment plan that suits your unique concerns.

The satisfaction of my patients speaks volumes about the quality of my work. Many of them are delighted with their results, often returning for additional treatments. Additionally, numerous individuals have been referred to my studio by satisfied patients, a testament to the trust and confidence they have in my services.

Choose me as your trusted Clinical Aesthetician with a wealth of microneedling experience. Rest assured that your journey towards enhanced skin health will be marked by precision, safety, and the use of top-quality products. Together, we will achieve remarkable results and unlock the full potential of microneedling for your skin’s rejuvenation.




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